Featured Success Story
Parent from Chiswick with two kids
“You were able to sum up my kids very well and I’m excited to implement some of the things you suggested. K is finally doing much better with his tutoring where before it felt like a waste of time and money. He is able to read and understand the instruction in his English homework now. He is also doing so much better in his maths. He is quicker and is able to do sums without counting on his fingers. His tutors have been very impressed with the progress he has made. T is able to concentrate better. She is doing well with her school work and I’m hoping to get some more feedback when she returns to school. Thank you for all the advice you gave me. ”

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Real stories from people who have experienced the positive results of
our bespoke neurofeedback programmes.

Nine-year old boy struggling with concentration and maths

Focus | Essex | Concentration, Child

From ADHD to Formula 1 and Semi-Professional Cyclist

ADHD | Online, UK | Kieran Blay, Founder of Adeki Ltd, a start-up focusing on performance-through-wellness.

Mum of two daughters preparing for 11+ exam

11+ exams | London, UK | Mum, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry